Monday, March 25, 2013

March 21, 2013 (Week 11)

It's official! We had our first SOF band practice. It went pretty well. Thanks to Mathew for playing his violin. Too bad we don't have more time to practice!
Please come prepared to pass off Battle Cry of Freedom next week.
This was also the last week for us to work on D&C 134:4 in class.
We will also pass this off next week.
Gettysburg Address Memorization
We had our first scholars pass off the Gettysburg Address! Congrats to Maddie and Lamoni!
 Several of you are getting close so keep working on it at home.
You should at least be to the phrase "remaining before us" this week. 
Great job on your presentations Meridian & Nick!
General Behymer gave an interesting lecture on the last year of the war, including the Battle of the Wilderness and Sherman's Raid in the South.
Sherman, William Tecumseh images
Also known as "Sherman's March to the Sea," this highly controversial raid is interesting to discuss as it brings up many questions about moral issues during war.
After capturing Atlanta in November, 1864, William Tecumseh Sherman applied the principles of scorched earth when he ordered his troops to burn crops, kill livestock, consume supplies, and destroy civilian infrastructure as they marched to Savannah. After capturing that city, and sending a telegram to President Lincoln saying that Savannah was his Christmas present, he continued his raid through the Carolinas. David J. Eicher wrote, "Sherman defied military principles by operating deep within enemy territory and without lines of supply or communication. He destroyed much of the South's psychological and physical capacity to wage war."
Please watch the following-an awesome 3-1/2 minute video on Sherman's Raid:
"Was Sherman's raid right? Why or why not?"
Remember to back up your opinion!
1. Finish reading The Life of Abraham Lincoln-Colloquium this week!!
2. Finish memorizing Battle Cry of Freedom-we will pass off this week
3. Finish memorizing verse 4-we will pass off this week
4. Watch remaining movies soon
5. Work on hero report-due April 11

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