Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 7, 2013 (week 9)


Thanks to Bro. Casalegno who explained the three days of the battle
using his diorama and clips from the movie.

Scholars - Can you answer the following questions about Gettysburg?
  1. Why were the Confederates originally going to Gettysburg?
  2. What did the Union cavalry officer (Buford) do on the first day?
  3. Why is holding the high ground so important in a battle?
  4. What was the name of the commander of the 20th Maine?
  5. Why was it so essential that the 20th Maine hold their position on Little Round Top?
  6. Who was the Confederate general who kept trying to talk General Lee out of fighting at Gettysburg? Why did he feel it was a bad place to fight?
  7. Robert E. Lee said he was ________ because J.E.B. Stuart was not bringing him info on the location of the Union army.
  8. What did the Confederate charge across the open field on the 3rd day become known as?

1 comment:

  1. Robert E. Lee said he was blind because J.E.B. Stuart was not bringing him info on the location of the Union army.
