Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 14, 2013 (week 6)


Today we started on a new song, Battle Cry of Freedom. The scholars are definitely going to have to work on memorizing this at home. Southerners - remember you have your own version.
We also started on verse 3 of D&C 134.
Again, this verse is going to be a little trickier than the last two verses, so study at home!
We continued working on the Gettysburg Address. We got up to the phrase, "can long endure." At the very least, make sure you know what we've worked on in class.
General Cory Casalegno came to class dressed in a Union private's uniform. He explained the various gear, the most exciting of which was his 1853 Enfield rifle. He explained and showed us the loading and firing process. Amazingly, an experienced soldier could fire 3 times in a minute. However, unexperienced soldiers often made mistakes such as loading over and over without firing or accidentally leaving the ram rod in the barrel and then shooting the rod. 
The most exciting part may have been when he talked about the bayonet and then passed it around.  
It was interesting to note that a soldier's uniform rarely fit during the Civil War. General Casalegno was a good example of this, as his hat and coat were a little small and his pants were ripped.
General Casalegno then talked about the Battles of Shiloh and Antietam.  Shiloh was the first Civil War battle with very large numbers of casualties and was close to being a Union disaster.  However, the timely arrival of Union reinforcements turned the tide and gave General U.S. Grant a victory that ultimately led to the capture of the whole Mississippi River and the cutting of the South in two. 
Antietam was the South's first attempted invasion of the North in which General Lee hoped to win a decisive victory that would convince Britain and France to recognize Southern independence and force the North to sue for peace.  Instead, the Southern army was turned back and President Lincoln siezed the opportunity to issue the Empancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves in the
rebellious states. 
There will be TREATS for scholars who watch the following videos on the battles of Shiloh and Antietam!
Finally, General Casalegno explained Army ranks and organization during the Civil War.  Basically the Army's organization was in the shape of a large pyramid with a few generals at the top commanding the Corps, Divisions, and Brigades.
General Behymer brought the most INCREDIBLE chocolate truffles for those who
read 1/2 of Across Five Aprils and did 10 captures.
We were bummed not very many of you were able to enjoy one. Next time!
This Week's Paper
"Is it ever wrong to follow the law.  If so, then when and why?" 
  1. Finish Across Five Aprils - we are having the colloquium this Thursday! (Reward Alert!)
  2. Keep memorizing scripture, song, and Gettysburg Address.
  3. Turn in the name of your hero for your hero report (if you haven't already)

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