Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 7, 2013 (week 5)

During our devotional, most of the scholars passed off all 5 verses of "Battle Hymn of the Republic."  Most of them also passed off verse 2 of D&C 134. Great job everyone! We were impressed.
 If you did not pass off either one, please work on it and get it done ASAP.
You can stay after class to recite it to any of the generals.
Please believe us when we say -
You will be so glad if you don't wait until April to finish all the memorizing!
Kaden gave a presentation on "Women's Roles." Yes, he was the last one to pick his topic, but I think Nic's, "10 bucks if you do it," might have boosted his willingness to do it. He gave us lots of great information about some famous and not-so-famous women. Did you parents know that several women dressed as men so they could fight in the infantry? Nice job, Kaden!

Hero Report Explanation
General C explained the requirements for the Hero Report. Using the guidelines below, you will need to think about whom you would like to pick and to come to class prepared to tell us.
  • You can pick any real person from the Civil War time period (mid 1800's-ish).
  • Yes, it can be someone who wasn't in the Army.
  • Yes, it can be a woman.
  • Yes, it can be the same person as another scholar.
  • No, it can't be a fictional person.
  • No, it can't be someone from the 1700's or earlier.
  • No, it can't be someone from the 1900's to present.
  • No, as awesome as they are, it cannot be Mitt Romney, Taylor Swift, Harry Potter, or Peeta.
  • And, no, as tempting as it might be, it cannot be your mentors.
We are expecting you to take your writing "up a notch" with this paper.
There are clear, detailed instructions in your binder as to font size, required length, etc.
If you have any concerns about the requirements, please talk to your mentors soon.
We recognize that this may be the first time some of you have written such a report.
Along with your parents, we can help you do this.
So, DON'T procrastinate. Ask for help soon.
General Behymer gave a great lecture on
Secession, Fort Sumter, and First Manassas. It was a lot to cover, but she did a great job.
The Civil War Trust has a great video and animated map series for several Civil War battles.  Click on these links to learn more about Secession and Fort Sumter and First Manassas.
We spent a little time memorizing the Gettysburg Address.
We worked up to the line, "dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."
We encourage you to work on this at home. We will continue to spend 5-10 min a week on this, but it will be important to spend the extra time at home.


We had bagels and o.j. for those who finished the book and did the memorizations.

Uncle Tom's Cabin Colloquium

General Baker did a terrific job leading the discussion about this thought-provoking book.

We were happy to see so many of you taking this discussion seriously. Many of you made some insightful connections. Thank you very much for your thoughts.
We encourage those of you who were more timid to particiate more during the discussion
 on Across Five Aprils. We would love to hear from you!


These are the book and movie covers for The Hiding Place,
the book that General Baker referenced during our discussion.
 (Remember-This was the story she told about Corrie Ten Boom who, while preaching forgiveness after WWII, was approached by her horrible concentration camp guard.
She experienced a soul-wrenching decision as this guard, who had contributed to the death of her beloved sister, asked her forgiveness. It is a powerful story and a must-read!)

Our discussion was based on the following awesome questions:


These are some of the questions General Baker didn't get a chance to ask,
but you might want to ponder:


This Week's Paper

Is secession constitutional?


  1. Be prepared to turn in your hero report person.
  2. Read half of Across Five Aprils and do 10 captures (Reward Alert!!)
  3. Keep memorizing the Gettysburg Address.
  4. General C will be in Civil War gear so please arrive on time. We'd like to give him as much time as possible.


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