Monday, February 4, 2013

January 31 (week 4)


We started class by practicing "Battle Hymn of the Republic" for the last time. Our goal is to have it memorized for class next week (Feb 7). We also worked on memorizing D&C 134:2. Again, we'd like to have that memorized for next week.
**Note: There will be treats for those who pass off the song and the scripture!
We spent the remainder of the class watching the first half of
"Gods and Generals."

 We were introduced to some of the important players in the war:
Robert E. Lee (the top pic is the actor, the bottom pic is the actual person) 
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson,
 and Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain.

 We also saw the first battle at Manassas/Bull Run.
Why does it have 2 names?
We learned that most battles in the Civil War were known by different names in the North and South. The North named them for a nearby river and the South for a town.
Upcoming Week's Paper
No paper this week. Work on any papers who've missed and
MEMORIZE Battle Hymn and verse 2!
  • Next Week's Presentation - Kaden "Women's Roles"
  • Treats next week for finishing UTC, memorizing Battle Hymn, and memorizing verse 2
  • Feb 8 is movie night at General Behymer's (we will finish watching G&G)
  • Bring $18 to class next week for class binder (checks made to Annie Casalegno)


  1. I'm not shure if this was a bounus question or not but the batle of manasas/ bull run had two names because the north caled it whatever the name of the nearest river or lake was and the south caled it whatever the name of the area was.
